H2020 – Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Work Programme 2018-2020 preparation

How the work programme 2018-2020 for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing» (NMBP) has been developed.

The multiannual work programme takes into account the political priorities of the European Union, stakeholders’ views and foresight exercises. Consultation of stakeholders is an integral part of the programming process.

Amongst other inputs for the NMBP part, the following have been considered in particular:

  • Public-Private Partnership Boards:
    • EFFRA for Factories of the Future
    • A.SPIRE for SPIRE
    • E2B for Energy-Efficient Buildings
  • Relevant European Technology Platforms

Draft Work Programme 2018-2020

Part 5 LEIT intro | Part 5ii LEIT-NMBP | Part 20 Cross-Cutting Activities (only NMBP topics)